Case Results ​

Case Results



We fight liability and legal disputes and accept gaps in treatment; we don’t turn down the case merely because we know that an insurance company will fight the case. We “litigate” (FAQ) almost all cases. We have won many cases that several other attorneys turned down.

(Many firms attempt to settle the case for less than the actual value so they do not have to litigate. We take the time to research and investigate the reasons for disputes or delays in treatment. Many clients are unsure how to obtain proper medical care or cannot afford the care they need; we guide them through this process.)

Case Results


$900,000.00 Wrongful Death.

A homeowner asked our client to trim a palm tree taller than 15 feet. When his chainsaw cut his strap, he fell and died. Four other competent attorneys declined to take the case, citing that there was no liability on behalf of the homeowner. WLC took the case, defeated a Motion for Summary Judgment (FAQ), and settled the case on the eve of trial. It was a lifesaving moment for the family left behind.

Case Results


Customer Assaulted at Business. (High confidential settlement)

A store manager pushed our client. Before coming to us, the client met with several other attorneys who stated that the store owner would not be liable for the assault committed by their employee. We defeated the Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and settled the case shortly after that for $500,000 (during the Covid-19 pandemic.)

Case Results


 $290,000.00 Mold Case.

A local law firm had been handling this case for almost three years. After filing the lawsuit, they “Associated” our firm with the chance to take the case to trial. When our firm was brought in, the offer on the table was $7,500. We defeated the Motion for Summary Judgment. Three months later, we settled for $290,000.
Mold cases are unique because, in general, when a person leaves the origin of the toxicity of the mold, symptoms disappear. In this case, our client was exposed for extended periods, and their symptoms lasted much longer. Of course, the Defendants fought liability throughout the entire process.


Mold cases are unique because, in general, when a person leaves the origin of the toxicity of the mold, symptoms disappear. In this case, our client was exposed for extended periods, and their symptoms lasted much longer.
Of course, the Defendants fought liability throughout the entire process.